Cancer Survivor Fights Back

Mira Tako at dedication of Davidoff Center.

For Mira Tako, the Davidoff Center was truly a lifesaver. With the help of the Rabin Medical Center's premier cancer center, Mira Tako was able to face and surmount her greatest fear, the onslaught of breast cancer.

A mother of two boys, a four-year-old and a four-month-old baby, Mira was concerned with suicide bombings; and cancer was far from her mind. Yet, that reality was soon to be shattered. While pumping breast milk for her baby one year ago at the age of 39, Mira felt a lump. Upset but still not fearing the worst, she sought help. Her ultrasound, which led to a mammography, confirmed the unthinkable. She had what looked like two malignant lumps in her breast and was referred for immediate medical treatment.

Initial shock turned into a will to live. Mira began researching doctors, and after visiting all the major hospitals in Israel, she chose Rabin Medical Center where she felt the most confident. Under the care of Dr. Shula Rizel, Head of the Breast Cancer Unit at the Institute of Oncology at Rabin Medical Center, Mira began the most difficulty journey of her life.

Because of the advanced nature of her breast cancer she was advised to begin chemotherapy prior to surgery. After several treatments she had a mastectomy and removal of 17 lymph nodes, nine of which were found to be damaged. Her devastation and fear began to grow, and though there were many people to support her, Mira knew she had to fight this battle on her own. With 28 sessions of chemotherapy as well as radiation treatment behind her, she has shown that she bears strength beyond her age.

Now, Mira continues her studies in social work and is optimistic and hopeful about her recovery.

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