Healing The Heart

left to right: Dr. Assali, Prof. Kornowski, Prof. Fuchs

A new world-class hybrid catheterization suite, the most advanced of its kind and the first one in Israel, was recently inaugurated at the Interventional Cardiology Institute at Rabin Medical Center, directed by Prof. Ran Kornowski. This new hybrid catheterization suite allows for simultaneous collaboration between the surgeon and the interventional cardiologist on many complex heart problems, something that has not been possible in the other three modern catheterization suites available at the hospital.

The suite is equipped with the latest in sophisticated real time imaging, providing a three-dimensional precise, optimal image of any region of the heart regardless of the size or complexity of the congenital heart disease. This allows the interventional cardiologist limitless possibilities to navigate and precisely place catheters and correct even severe heart problems, which otherwise would have required surgery or additional medical treatment. The suite also includes intravascular ultrasound machines, which take real-time images to allow physicians to view the progress of the procedure taking place inside the patient's body.

This new type of treatment also reduces radiation exposure to the patient by 50%, can lead to faster recovery times, less tissue damage and reduced scarring.

Prof. Ran Kornowski said, "This new hybrid catheterization suite, the best available today, puts us alongside the finest catheterization suites worldwide. It provides us with the possibility of precise advanced diagnosis and treatment for complex cardiac problems, including patients suffering from structural and valvular heart diseases. There is practically no limit to the type of catheterization procedures that we can perform in this new suite and we are truly excited about this significant professional opportunity, a true milestone for our staff and for our heart patients."

In addition to the state-of-the-art technological equipment, the new suite has design features providing a calming harmonious environment. The hybrid catheterization suite was made possible thanks to donations to the Interventional Cardiology Institute, together with the support of Rabin Medical Center and Clalit Health Services.

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