Prostate Cancer Experts Gather

The Rabin Medical Center hosted a symposium on prostate cancer entitled "Update and Future Perspectives" as part of its fourth annual international board meeting, held from May 23rd to May 25th, 2010.

Opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Eyran Halpern, CEO, Rabin Medical Center, Dr. Ehud Davidson, Deputy Director General of Clalit Health Services and Prof. Yoseph Mekori, Dean of Tel-Aviv University's Sackler Faculty of Medicine. These were followed by a series of presentations by renowned leaders in Prostate Cancer care and research from the United States and Israel, which attracted physicians, nurses and other medical staff from throughout Israel and from abroad. American guests included a contingent of eminent physicians from the Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; including Prof. Peter Scardino, Chairman of the Department of Surgery, Prof. Michael Zelefsky, Chief of the Brachytherapy Service, Prof. Clifton Ling, Radiation Oncology Physics, and Prof. Howard Scher, Chief, Genitourinary Oncology Service. Prof. Lawrence Shulman, CMO and Senior VP, and Dr. Philip Kantoff, Chief Clinical Research Office, both attended from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Presenters from Israel included Prof. Jack Baniel, Head of the Rabin Medical Center's Department of Urology, Prof. Haim Matzkin, Head of Sourasky Medical Center's Department of Urology, Dr. Eli Rosenbaum, Head, of the Davidoff Center's Genitourinary Oncology Unit, Dr. Tamar Sella, Hadassah Medical Center's Radiology Department, and Prof. Avigdor Scherz, from the Weizmann Institute of Science's Department of Plant Sciences.

Beyond simply serving as an opportunity to share research, this symposium brought forth innovative interesting ideas toward the continuing advancement of the Davidoff Center, especially through further collaboration with cancer centers abroad.

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