The Future of Genetics

L to R: Prof. Mordechai Shohat Prof. Moshe Garty , Dr. Boaz Tadmor, Oudi Recanati, Prof. Jerome I. Rotter, Prof. Alan S. Kopin, Prof. Arnold Munnich Prof. Cynthia C. Morton Prof

The Third International Advisory Board Meeting and Symposium of the Raphael Recanati Genetic Institute, chaired by Prof. Moshe Garty and Prof. Mordechai Shohat, Head of the Genetic Institute, was recently held at Rabin Medical Center. Five renowned geneticists including Prof. Jerome I. Rotter, Prof. Cynthia C. Morton Prof. Alan S. Kopin from the United States, Prof. Arnold Munnich from France, all founding members of the board, as well as Prof. Joris A. Veltman from Radboud University Medical Centre in The Netherlands, took part in this event.

The International Symposium entitled Novel Genomic Technologies in the Current and Future Medical Practice was exceptionally well attended, bringing forth many new and exciting ideas in the field of genetics from both Israel and abroad.

The board meeting highlighted the important developments and research advances at the Raphael Recanati Genetic Institute, and the international board members were extremely impressed and highly complementary of their work. They believe it is essential to work toward additional international collaboration with leading genetic experts around the globe in order to share the institutes knowledge and achievements.

Oudi Recanati, whose family established the Raphael Recanati Genetic Institute, once again hosted the board for a beautiful evening at his home, which included a presentation by Dr. Boaz Ganor, the Ronald Lauder Chair for Counter Terrorism, Deputy Dean, Lauder School of Government, at The Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya.

Many prominent members of Rabin Medical Center, including the CEO Dr. Eyran Halpern, Dr. Boaz Tadmor, Associate Director, Pini Cohen, head of the Israel Friends, staff of the Genetic Institute and the geneticists from abroad, all participated in this wonderful evening.

Welcoming the guests, Oudi Recanati said he was proud to be part of this continuing tradition and of the advancement of the genetic institute and the ongoing collaboration with this significant international board.

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