Radiologist Wins Prestigious Nash Foundation Grant

Dr. Gideon Shafir using imaging computers

Dr. Gideon Shafir, senior radiologist at the Rabin Medical Center, won a Nash Foundation grant for a visiting fellowship in cardiovascular imaging at Stanford University. American Friends Rabin Medical Center researched this grant opportunity, searched for appropriate candidates at Rabin Medical Center, and then helped facilitate the process. The cardiovascular imaging fellowship at Stanford is one of the leading three in the United States. Rabin Medical Center recently purchased the 64 slice GE CT scan equipment and now has world-class imaging capabilities. Dr. Shafir will receive advanced training and will be one of the leaders in Israel in the cardiac imaging field.

Dr. Shafir was born in Lithuania in 1961 and came to Israel with his family in 1973. Both of his parents are physicians. He studied medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, after which he became a military physician; and he attained the rank of major in the Israeli army. Dr. Shafir is married with two children, a 16 year old daughter who is a Jazz-blues singer at Thelma Yellin Art School, and a six year old son.

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