New Circle on the Move


A group of forty New Circle members went upstairs at Studio 54 to attend the off-Broadway show NEWSical that satirizes politics and popular culture, proving the adage that laughter is often the best medicine.


On opening day, art advisor Michael Witmer gave a private tour of the New York Art & Antique Show to AFRMC's New Circle. Friends of Rabin Medical Center appreciate the idea that concern with hospital aesthetics aids in the healing process.


The New Circle hosted Dr. Jacob Yahav, Deputy Director General for Rabin Medical Center, who discussed, "An Israeli Medical Institution Responds to Terrorism." Terrorism in Israel presents special challenges to the medical community, and New Circle members came to appreciate the difficulties Rabin Medical Center faces in developing strategies to respond to the potential of terrorist attacks. They learned that Israel shares its expertise with US medical and governmental agencies in an effort to help prevent global terrorism.


Gathered together at the swanky Manhattan lounge Opia for happy hour, the New Circle discussed attending the screening of the movie 9/11/03: A Day in the Life of New York, a documentary produced by New Circle member Richard Karz which members saw September 11, 2005.


New Circle is launching Café Israel, an informal discussion group by invitation only for participants to discuss critical issues facing Israel. Every second Tuesday of the month, starting September 13, 2005 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Le Figaro Cafe, 184 Bleeker Street (212.677.1100) in Greenwich Village. September topic: "Pros and Cons of the Gaza Disengagement." On Tuesday October 11, 6:30-8:30 pm, at Le Figaro Cafe talk about "Old Pope, New Pope: How Can Israel and the Vatican Improve Relations?" Guest Co-Moderator is Gary Krupp, the 7th Jew in history to be knighted. Krupp promotes improved Vatican-Israel relations through his Pave the Way foundation reconciliation projects.

Discussions, free of charge, are intended for professionals, executives and decision-makers who want to explore political, social, and cultural developments in Israel. Stop by Le Figaro Cafe.

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