Medical Experts Speak Out

AFRMC hosted Holocaust historian Prof. Daniel Goldhagen of Harvard who spoke to an audience of one hundred twenty five people on Sunday, January 15th in Boca Raton, at B'nai Torah Congregation. His topic was The Iranian Threat and Preventing a New Holocaust: Global Terrorism - What Every American Must Know. Dr. Mauricio Lynn of Miami's Jackson Memorial Hospital introduced the event with a presentation comparing Jackson's new trauma center to the emergency preparedness apparatus in place at Rabin Medical Center, an exemplar of a level one trauma center in Israel, and an inspiration to the Jackson hospital's new trauma center.

January 26th, new South Florida friends of Rabin Medical Center, Steve & Barbara Whitehill, hosted a group of supporters and physicians at their Boca Raton home to hear two visiting Rabin Medical Center physicians. Dr. Nicholas Onaca and Prof. Eytan Mor spoke to the assembled on pancreatic islet research and clinical trials.

During the last weekend of March 2006, the South Florida chapter will host Dr. Eyal Porat, who is leaving his position in Houston with the Texas Health Science Center to join the staff of Rabin Medical Center. Porat will speak at Temple Emeth in Delray Beach on April 1, 2006 at 10:00 am about the state of medical technology in Israel. Porat's specialization is minimally invasive cardiothoracic and robotic surgery.

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