Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Visits Rabin Medical Center

L-R: Dr. Dan Oppenheim and Ehud Olmert

Only one day after he became Israel's Minister of Finance in October 2005, Ehud Olmert, the now interim Prime Minister, visited Rabin Medical Center. The CEO of Clalit Health Services, Mr. Zeev Vurembrand and the CEO of Rabin Medical Center, Dr. Dan Oppenheim, hosted him. During his visit, he toured the campus and was impressed by the major changes that had taken place over the years and by the extraordinary level of medical care offered. He fully understood the hospital's role as a leader in healthcare in Israel. He was especially impressed by the new Davidoff Center, the first comprehensive medical center in Israel specializing in the treatment and research of cancer. Olmert said, "this visit was truly enlightening. The Rabin Medical Center of today is nothing like I remember. Before my eyes, I see a modern medical facility advancing the medical needs of Israel's ever growing population." Rabin Medical Center, the flagship hospital of Clalit Health Services, was honored by Olmert's visit. And despite all the hardships the country faces, the hospital continues its quest to offer excellent medical services to all the citizens of Israel.

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