Coronavirus Emergency Medical Equiptment Request

Rabin Medical Center is currently treating the most cases of coronavirus in Israel. We are asking for your support to either fully or partially-fund any of these emergency pieces of equipment: Mobile Ventilators ($36,000); Laryngoscopes ($22,000) or ICU Monitors ($18,000). The hospital is in desperate need of ventilators, laryngoscopes, ICU monitors and other emergency equipment for the treatment of coronavirus patients. 

Rabin Medical Center houses the newest, largest and most active level-one emergency and trauma center in Israel. Rabin stands directly at the forefront of attacking the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, which is crippling the Israeli health care system. THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS IN LOCKDOWN, with hundreds of thousands in quarantine. Severely depleted resources are impacting thousands of Israelis as they seek urgent medical care during this dire pandemic. 

From the very beginning of the first tested cases, Rabin Medical Center responded rapidly to the onslaught of the coronavirus pandemic by transforming spaces into quarantine zones, donning hazmat suits and accepting hundreds of potentially infected citizens daily. Rabin Medical Center has already seen thousands upon thousands of potentially infected patients, a number growing by the hour. The hospital has been one of the quickest to respond to this emergency, but it is critical that they maintain a safe and sanitary space while combatting this deadly virus.

Before the coronavirus, Israeli mortality rates from infectious diseases, which doubled in the past two decades alone, were not only higher than in every other developed country, they are 73% higher than the second-ranked country. Infectious diseases already count for 5.6% of all Israeli mortalities – and that number is expected to triple in coming months.

With one of the largest elderly populations in the developed world (over 10% of Israelis are over 65), a vast majority are at great risk of being fatally stricken by the virus. Rabin Medical Center is taking every possible precaution to ensure the safety of its doctors, staff and the thousands of patients flocking to the medical center for help. But it desperately requires additional support. 

Our mission at American Friends of Rabin Medical Center is to ensure that Rabin Medical Center is fully staffed, properly equipped and able to handle this massive crisis.

Rabin Medical Center needs beds, ventilators and oxygen masks – critical equipment that already is at near depletion. We cannot watch our fellow brothers and sisters suffer, not when we can act. Help safeguard Israel’s survival and its future as a country in which every citizen can receive the best medical assistance. Kindly send your check, donate online at, or call 212.279.2522.

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