Pollin Award of Excellence

Pollin Awardees: L to R Haya Yurfest, Dr. Evgeny Abramson, Dr. Rima Sadov, Dr. Yaron Mushkat, Dr. Boaz Tadmor, Amos Eyran, Dr. Eyran Halpern, Efrat Zairi

"The Abe and Irene Pollin Award of Excellence" was presented to four staff members of Rabin Medical Center for outstanding excellence in their work. This annual award, now in its third consecutive year, was established to recognize the work of exceptional individuals at Rabin Medical Center. Mr. Amos Eran, a friend and representative of the Pollin Family, spoke about Abe and Irene's lifelong philanthropy and years of generosity and infinite compassion toward others, symbolized by the "Abe and Irene Pollin Award of Excellence." Those who receive this award embody the spirit of Rabin Medical Center in their uncompromising devotion to their work.

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