Behind the Stethoscope: Liver Specialist Prof. Ran Tur-Kaspa

Prof. Ran Tur-Kaspa

A third generation Israeli, Prof. Ran Tur-Kaspa makes his home at Rabin Medical Center as head of Medicine D and the Liver Institute. Since Prof. Tur- Kaspa joined Rabin Medical Center in 1995, the Liver Institute has become the leading center for liver research and treatment in Israel and receives referrals from all over the country. Prof. Tur-Kaspa conducts intensive research on diseases of the liver, which is his specialty.

A bright, inquisitive child and a man of intense spirit, Ran fell in love with biology at an early age. Being a physician was definitely in his future. Fascinated by solving biological problems, he realized that the most direct way to effect cure was not only to conduct research, but also to treat and heal people.

At the age of 17, he enlisted in the Academic Reserve Corps and began medical studies at Hebrew University where he graduated with honors in 1972. He served as a physician in the Israeli Defense Forces, and during the Yom Kippur war he saved many lives on the battlefield.

He completed his army service in the Israeli Air Force at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. For 19 years, from 1976-1995, he was a leading physician at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem where he was the head of the Liver Transplantation Clinic. Especially interested in the liver and liver diseases, Prof. Tur- Kaspa received a two year Fogarty Fellowship and Fullbright Award from the Liver Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York to focus exclusively on liver-related problems. During this time, he was awarded the American Liver Research Award.

Prof. Tur-Kaspa is married with three daughters. Yet, he finds the time to treat patients, teach, and conduct research. He teaches medical students at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, where he also serves as Vice Dean and head of the Medical School.

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