Stem Cell Technology is Here

L-R: Bob and Linda Sandelman with Dr. Ziv Rosenbaum and Phyllis Handelsman

BOCA RATON - Over the weekend of December 2, 2005, more than 500 people had an opportunity to learn of revolutionary practices at Rabin Medical Center. American Friends of Rabin Medical Center is developing a South Florida Chapter to support the health and research facility's growing needs. Dr. Ziv Rosenbaum, Deputy Director of Rabin Medical Center, and head of the Technology Department, was the special guest of the South Florida Chapter. He spoke of major accomplishments taking place at Rabin Medical Center. At Temple Emeth of Delray Beach and at the Boca Marina Yacht Club, the doctor revealed the presence of a high tech star, the $1 million dollar "Zeus" robot that performs surgery with the assistance of highly skilled physicians. According to Rosenbaum, the Zeus Robot enables physicians located in distant locations to participate in the surgery. Rosenbaum also talked about cutting-edge advancements in stem cell research and therapy for cardiac and Parkinson's patients. "Many of these specialized techniques could become common medical practice in five years," noted Rosenbaum.

South Florida Chapter members Linda and Bob Sandelman of Boca Raton were thrilled with the presentation because they appreciation the great strides Rabin Medical Center is making in health and research. "These are gifts to the world," Linda Sandelman commented.

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