A Personal Invitation

Rabbi Joshua Eli Plaut, Ph.D, Executive Director of American Friends of Rabin Medical Center

This summer I again visited the Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikvah, Israel. I was truly inspired by my meetings with its exceptional physicians and department heads. It was inspiring to hear about each doctor's individual work and professional dreams. Every doctor expressed profound appreciation for all that we do here in the United States on behalf of the hospital in Israel.

The newest outstanding addition to the hospital is the Raphael Recanati Genetics Institute, an international center that enables Rabin Medical Center to develop and advance its renowned genetic research and clinical work with the most advanced equipment and cutting-edge technology, operating according to the highest international standards. Genetics holds the key to thousands of new treatments and diagnostic tools for countless potentially fatal diseases. And Rabin Medical Center is now at the forefront of the advancement of genetics in medicine.

I invite each and every friend of ours in the United States to visit the hospital on your next trip to Israel. I promise that what you will see at the hospital will make you proud of your support for this premier hospital. Please call me at 212 279 2522 or email me so I can help you witness firsthand the modern day miracle that is the Rabin Medical Center. I thank you for being our friend and hope you will take me up on my offer to have the hospital host you and your family and friends for an insider's look at a world-class Israeli medical institution.

Best wishes and in friendship,
Joshua Eli Plaut, Ph.D.
Executive Director, American Friends of Rabin Medical Center

A Lasting Impact

Abraham "Barry" E. Cohen

A tumultuous year has passed by swiftly, challenging most people in a variety of ways, so it is with particular enthusiasm that I look forward to two major American Friends of Rabin Medical Center events. The first is our annual gala dinner scheduled for Monday, November 2, 2009 and the second, a major Los Angeles fundraising event in Beverly Hills, set for January 17, 2010. This event is sponsored by Mrs. Claude Mann, an outstanding philanthropist and a member of our Board of Directors. We hope you will be able to join us at both of these events.

This year, the American Friends of Rabin Medical Center annual gala dinner will be held on the deck of a symbol of strength and innovation, the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Proceeds will support the tremendous progress and potential taking place in the field of cardiology at Rabin Medical Center. It is an effort that will leave a lasting effect on Israel and ultimately people around the globe. As we learn more about the root causes of suffering in an area of health that affects so many of us, we will be able to provide treatment accordingly, thereby making it possible for people to look beyond their own family histories and quite literally be given new leases on life.

As in all areas of medical research, scientists continually make progress by identifying what is universal within that which is unique, a human being. Perhaps some day that approach will transcend science and medicine and find its way into political and cultural attitudes. At Rabin Medical Center today, this world already exists. Patients of all races, religions and nationalities are treated with advanced medical technology and compassion. It is a beacon of hope and healing in the entire region.

Thank you for your continued support. See you on board.

Warmest regards,
Abraham "Barry" E. Cohen
Chairman, American Friends of Rabin Medical Center

Advances in Medical Technology

Dr. Eyran Halpern, Chief Executive Officer of Rabin Medical Center

I am proud to share our latest achievements with you, as Rabin Medical Center continues to be one of the most prominent integrated health facilities in Israel, offering compassionate health care and access to the latest advances in medicine to all citizens.

We have gone forward with many new and exciting projects including upgrading current equipment and facilities and conducting innovative research. We opened a newly refurbished Ultrasound and IVF Unit, a new Intermediate Heart Care Unit and a new Catheterization Lab for cardiac patients, as well as a state-of-the-art Linear Accelerator suite and an Information Center for cancer patients at the Davidoff Center.

The foundation was laid for the Jusidman Emergency and Trauma Center, slated to be completed in 2012, which will provide superior emergency care to more than 150,000 patients a year. This was made possible thanks to the generosity of Mr. Daniel Jusidman, but your help is urgently needed to fully complete this monumental project.

The hospital is also in the process of gaining accreditation from the prestigious Joint Commission International (JCI) in the United States. This accreditation is based on international consensus of uniform standards for hospitals. It focuses not only on the organization's ability to provide high quality care, but on its actual performance as well. This accreditation will place Rabin Medical Center among the world's top medical facilities.

All these projects would not have been possible without our friends in Israel and abroad, and we look forward to your continued partnership in achieving our future plans, which include important projects such as a new Dermatology Outpatient Clinic, an expanded Pulmonary Institute and a crucial comprehensive Breast Care Center. We thank you for all your support in helping us provide the best healthcare possible. It is your generosity that helps fuel the extraordinary progress of this outstanding medical facility.

Dr. Eyran Halpern
Chief Executive Officer, Rabin Medical Center